Love To Sign

January 1, 2012


My name is Courtney Walker and I’m a sophomore, president, and founder of the American Sign Language club. I made this video to show the world about American Sign Language and how amazing it is. It is its own culture and language that needs to be showed to everyone and the world that the Deaf are people to and we should adapt to incorporate them into society as well as the blind. I wanted to firstly thank my high school American Sign Language Robin Mengual for getting me into sign language,it’s such a blessing. Secondly I want to thank my parents for pushing me to follow my dreams and continue my passion for signing. Finally, I’d like to thank Dana Neugent for asking me to make this video and showing that our club is something to talk and show people about.


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Citation: Walker, Courtney, “Love To Sign” (2012). Digital Community Voices Committee. Paper 2.


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