INTERPRET+PERSON: Presentation of Self and Sign Language Interpreters
Robert Lee
INTERPRET+PERSON: Presentation of Self and Sign Language Interpreters
Robert’s talk will explore how the identities of sign language interpreters as individuals cannot be removed from the communicative interactions of their work or the relations they have with the people with whom they work.
Robert G. Lee, MA, CI/CT has been interpreting, teaching and researching for more than 25 years. He is the author or co-author of numerous articles and book chapters on various aspects of linguistics and interpreting from cognitive processing to the syntax of ASL. He is currently Senior Lecturer and Course Leader of the MA and Postgraduate Diploma in BSL/English Interpreting at the University of Central Lancashire (UK). He has previously taught both Interpreting and Linguistics at Northeastern University in Boston as well as presentations in as the US, Europe and South America.