Photo/Video Shoot

Be part of the Communication Nation photo journal!

Communication Nation


Deaf Community members, sign language interpreters, and other stakeholders within the field of sign language interpreting.


Sit for a quick photo/video shoot to be included in the second edition of Communication Nation.


May 3rd 2pm – May 5th at 3:30pm (plan to be present for approximately 30 minutes)


Austin Room, Austin Marriott North (2600 La Frontera Blvd., Round Rock, TX)


To memorialize the good people connected to the field of sign language interpreting.


Complete the form below. Come dressed in something that reflects both your personal and professional style. Be prepared to sign a photo/video release.

Submit your CN interest

  • I understand there will be photographers and videographers present at the Communication Nation photo/video shoot. By participating I consent to be photographed and recorded, and consent to StreetLeverage's use of these images and recording in connection with Communication Nation.

Forward-looking organizations committed to retelling the story of the interpreter.



(New York)



